Coach the Coaches
Coach the Coaches is not your traditional strength and conditioning program. This program is focused on increasing injury resistance to decrease the number of non-contact injuries, emphasizing athlete safety and longevity. Our comprehensive, three-phase injury resistance program is built to be implemented into your team’s regular training sessions. Each program is designed to run two days a week for eight weeks; the workouts are about 20-30 minutes long and can be conducted before or after practices. With the purchase of the programs, each team will receive the proper equipment needed, instructional videos for each exercise with key coaching cues, and a laminated guide of the exercises with the coaching cues for each programmed day.
Coaches will attend a classroom presentation covering common injuries, their contributing factors, and the essential details of our injury resistance program. This presentation will explain the "why" and "how" of our program, providing coaches with a better understanding of its benefits to their athletes.
Next, the coaches will participate in a practical session where we teach the coaches how to do the exercises. The coaches will then perform the exercises, demonstrating an understanding of proper form and movement patterns. Finally, they will coach the exercises utilizing proper coaching cues and making appropriate corrections.
Stronger LLC Coaches work directly with your athletes during a squat workshop to ensure appropriate form and identify imbalances and asymmetry. We will conduct a group squat workshop, directing the athletes through the movement and correcting form for 20-30 minutes. The athletes will then go into practice, at which time one to two athletes will be requested to assess and evaluate individual squat form, making notes and addressing issues of the squat. Once all athletes have been evaluated, Stronger LLC coaches will talk directly with the parents about the Coach the Coaches program and its benefits.
The implementation phase involves Stronger LLC coaches coming out to the team training to help the coaches take what they have learned and apply it to their athletes. We will evaluate and assist the coaches in introducing the new program to their teams. While the coach will perform most of the instruction, we will be there to help and ensure they give appropriate cues and that the athletes execute the exercises correctly.